Friday 8 July 2016

Pokemon Go Server & Network Problem !!

Did you guys noticed some server errors while playing Pokemon Go ! I did find it some times when i tried opening  Pokemon Go on my phone it gave me the similar error too.

What might have caused ?
It is the really server that has caused it . The server error might have also caused due to over crowd into the servers as many of the people would be playing it. Also the cause would be that you using the game in the regions where the game was not released officially.

What happened ?
 It did not cause any other problems to the phone or others too. It did only cause me to stop to play the game for some time but it did resume after some hours. Also to mention it did not caused on my phone it was the same with my friends at the same time. This means it was an real server down. The game is now playing well after significant hours of rest on all phones.

What Should Be Done ?
 Nothing,yes nothing you should wait until there is good server coming. I too found out the server down at the night and it was well playing in the morning.


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